Rina Ramirez, MD, Contributes to New Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Report

Community health centers (CHCs) across the U.S. have a new blueprint for providing sexual and reproductive health services to adolescents, thanks to a team of experts that includes Zufall Health Chief Medical Officer and Internal Medicine Physician Rina Ramirez, MD.  Ramirez was selected as a key contributor to “Q4T (Quality for Teens): A Quality Improvement Package for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Care". A quality improvement package is a set of...

At Zufall Health, Substance Use Recovery is Part of Primary Care

Providing support for substance use disorders (SUDs), which involve the recurrent use of alcohol and/or drugs despite harmful consequences, is one of the many ways that Zufall Health helps patients achieve better health. Though SUDs can be managed, most people do not get help. Only 1.4 percent of the 41 million people in the U.S  with a SUD in 2020 received treatment. Misconceptions about people with SUDs – that they are...

Woman receiving COVID-19 vaccine booster shot

COVID Study Affirms Health Center Value

Community health centers like Zufall have assumed leadership roles in battling COVID-19 throughout the country over the last two years and now, a new study has confirmed their significant impact on reducing infections and saving lives.   A joint analysis by the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) and Morehouse School of Medicine’s National COVID-19 Resiliency Network compared the rate of infection and mortality from COVID in areas with and without...

Woman receiving COVID-19 vaccine booster shot

Un Estudio sobre el COVID Confirma la Importancia de nuestro Centro de Salud

Los centros de salud comunitarios, como Zufall, han asumido roles de liderazgo en la lucha contra el COVID-19 en todo el país durante los últimos dos años. Ahora, un nuevo estudio ha confirmado el efecto significativo que los centros médicos han tenido en la reducción de los contagios y en salvar vidas.     Un análisis conjunto realizado por la Asociación Nacional de Centros de Salud Comunitarios (NACHC) y la Red Nacional...