How “Cover All Kids” Provided Access to Essential Specialty Care for a Zufall Patient

For 10th grade student Asumi, being a patient at Zufall Health - Dover has meant more than receiving routine pediatric care. With the dedicated support of Pediatrician Christine Pagano, MD, Registered Nurse Maribel Ali, RN, and other providers, Asumi has experienced significant improvements in her self-esteem and quality of life over the past year. In August 2023, Asumi underwent surgery at University Hospital in Newark that fundamentally changed her life, a...

An image with the heading "A Message to Our Patients and Community". Below the heading are rows of paper cutouts of faces in profile depicting various skin tones. The image is intended to suggest diversity and community.

A Message to Our Patients and Community Regarding Racial Justice

As we’ve watched the public reaction to recent incidents of unfair treatment of people of color by police, we share the concern and outrage regarding abuse of basic human rights. From its founding, Zufall Health has maintained the core value of opposing and overcoming disparities based upon race, ethnicity, religion, language, income, country of origin, or other demographic factors. Correcting inequities in healthcare is a fundamental purpose of Zufall Health.