Ask Dr. Bob: Reflect on the Meaning in Your Life for a Happier 2023
Ending the year and beginning a new one is a time to look back on the experiences we’ve had and give some thought to what we’d like our lives to be like in the future. Most people want the year ahead, and their lives in general, to have some meaning or importance. Although you are probably not going to change the world in 2023, now is a good opportunity to...
Ask Dr. Bob: Are You Depressed, and What Can You Do About Depression?
We all have times when we feel bad, even guilty, about our lives, ourselves, our careers, or our futures. But for many people, this sad mood won’t go away and becomes a way of life. They may lack energy, have trouble concentrating, experience a change in appetite, or have sleep problems. It doesn’t do any good to tell them to just snap out of it. They would like to, but...
Ask Dr. Bob: Why is Checking Blood Pressure Important?
Did you know that half of us have hypertension, or high blood pressure (BP), and that many of us probably don’t even know it? There are few early symptoms of hypertension, so you may only learn you have it when a health care professional takes your BP during a medical exam. BP is the force that moves blood through your body. Increased pressure in your arteries is like increased water pressure...
Pregúntele al Dr. Bob: ¿Sabe lo que es la próstata?
¿Sabe lo que es la próstata? Muchas personas no saben lo que es y tampoco saber su función. En realidad, es una pequeña glándula - normalmente del tamaño de una pequeña nuez – es parte del sistema reproductivo del hombre. Se encuentra en la abertura de la vejiga y ayuda a producir parte del líquido en el semen. Usualmente, los hombres no son conscientes de esto, pero a medida que envejecen...
Ask Dr. Bob: What Is the Prostate?
Do you know what the prostate is? Many people don’t know what it is or what it does. It’s actually a small gland — normally the size and shape of a walnut — that is part of the male reproductive system. It sits at the opening of the bladder and helps make some of the fluid in semen. Men are usually unaware of it, but as they age it starts to grow...