Checking for Cancer before it’s too late
As part of your routine preventive care, your doctor will order cancer screening tests that can help find cancer before you feel or see anything wrong. Cancer is easier to treat and, at times, can be cured if found early. Talk with your doctor about what types of cancer screenings are right for you, depending on your age and family history. If you have symptoms that concern you, don’t wait until your annual exam. Call and make an appointment right away.
Zufall Health offers screening tests for:
- Cervical cancer by doing a Pap test
- Breast cancer by doing a breast exam and/or ordering a mammogram
- Colon cancer by ordering a stool test or colonoscopy
- Prostate cancer by ordering a blood test.
New Jersey Cancer Education and Early Detection (NJCEED)
The New Jersey Department of Health funds a program called NJCEED that helps patients pay for cancer screenings if they are uninsured or underinsured and have income less than 250% of the federal poverty level. In some cases, even patients who have health insurance with very high deductibles can be helped by NJCEED.
In Morris and Somerset Counties, Zufall Health manages the funds for the NJCEED program for residents of the county. At Zufall’s other locations in other counties, the staff coordinates with the appropriate NJCEED program to help patients afford cancer screenings.