Patients to stay on the road for good health
New medical van on the horizon for Zufall
Zufall Health is excited to announce the successful conclusion of its “On the Road for Good Health” campaign, a fundraising effort launched last year to replace its aging medical van.
The current vehicle, which has served patients for nearly 15 years, is nearly ready for retirement due to significant rust damage. Thanks to last year’s Be Well Benefit event and subsequent generous donations, including a substantial contribution of $150,000 from the BD Foundation, the charitable affiliate of BD, Zufall has achieved its fundraising goal and is progressing with procuring and outfitting a replacement.
President and CEO Fran Palm shared that Zufall leadership has worked closely with its vendor to design the new 40-foot vehicle, which, like its predecessor, will feature two exam rooms. “Now that the design is complete, it has been submitted for review by the New Jersey Department of Health to ensure it meets all necessary requirements,” Palm said.
Chief Medical Officer Rina Ramirez, MD, expressed enthusiasm for the progress. “This new licensed mobile medical facility is crucial for patients who otherwise are unaware of our affordable services or experience challenges accessing health care in traditional settings. Whether providing care to farmworkers in rural areas, seniors in public housing, or people experiencing homelessness, the new vehicle will play a critical role in Zufall Health’s ongoing commitment to eliminating barriers to care.”
Stay tuned for updates on the rollout of this new vehicle!