Happy 100th Birthday, Dr. Bob!

Today, June 3, 2024, we celebrate what would have been the 100th birthday of our beloved co-founder, Robert Zufall, MD, also known as Dr. Bob. Though he passed away three months ago, his spirit of service and compassion continues to inspire us at Zufall Health.

Dr. Bob and his wife, Kathryn (“Kay”), founded our health center as a small haven of accessible health care in Dover. Their clinic served everyone, regardless of income, insurance, or immigration status. The Zufalls wholeheartedly believed in offering care without judgment and building trust with their patients and the community.

A 2001 feature in the Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin captured their humble and joyful approach: “Robert Zufall loves the collaborative nature of the clinic, describing the atmosphere as friendly and collegial. He and his wife find great joy in their work, despite the long hours and challenges. ‘We don’t feel at all that heroic,’ he said. ‘It’s a job that someone should be doing, and we’re doing it.'”

Outside of medicine, Dr. Bob’s enthusiasm for life was contagious, whether he was spending time with his large family, reading, writing, enjoying classical music, or skiing. He brought joy and curiosity to every interaction, enriching the lives of those around him. We will never forget his genuine ability to embrace life fully.

On his centennial birthday, we pledge to honor his values by showing compassion and inclusivity in our community every day, just as he did with the hundreds of thousands of lives he touched.

Happy 100th birthday, Dr. Bob. Your memory will forever guide us.

1 Comment
  • C r Vadala
    June 28, 2024 at 5:08 pm

    AN EXUBERANT LIFE F SERVICE.. THAT IS A SAINT ! May you continue the mission with joy in your heart.

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