Happy woman cooking with vegetables at her kitchen at home

WISEWOMAN Drives Healthier Hearts and Lives

For more than 100 years, the nation’s leading cause of death has been heart disease – a range of chronic conditions that includes coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, and valvular heart disease. Heart disease claims nearly 700,000 lives each year in the U.S. At the local level, heart disease remains a high priority clinical issue for hospitals and health departments, who look to safety net organizations like Zufall for...

Ask Dr. Bob: Reflect on the Meaning in Your Life for a Happier 2023

Ending the year and beginning a new one is a time to look back on the experiences we’ve had and give some thought to what we’d like our lives to be like in the future. Most people want the year ahead, and their lives in general, to have some meaning or importance. Although you are probably not going to change the world in 2023, now is a good opportunity to...

male doctor smiling wearing white coat

Pregúntele al Dr. Bob: ¿Sabe lo que es la próstata?

¿Sabe lo que es la próstata? Muchas personas no saben lo que es y tampoco saber su función.    En realidad, es una pequeña glándula - normalmente del tamaño de una pequeña nuez – es parte del sistema reproductivo del hombre. Se encuentra en la abertura de la vejiga y ayuda a producir parte del líquido en el semen.   Usualmente, los hombres no son conscientes de esto, pero a medida que envejecen...

male doctor smiling wearing white coat

Ask Dr. Bob: What Is the Prostate?

Do you know what the prostate is? Many people don’t know what it is or what it does. It’s actually a small gland — normally the size and shape of a walnut — that is part of the male reproductive system. It sits at the opening of the bladder and helps make some of the fluid in semen. Men are usually unaware of it, but as they age it starts to grow...

Strawberries growing in garden alongside Grow Garden State sign

El desafío de Grow Garden State fomenta la agricultura casera y la alimentación saludable a través de Nueva Jersey

La registración para el segundo desafío anual de Grow Garden State en Zufall Health ya está disponible. Grow Garden State es una iniciativa del Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Complementaria de Zufall (SNAP-Ed). Equipa a los participantes con semillas de frutas y vegetales gratuitas para fomentar jardinería en Nueva Jersey.   Grow Garden State proveerá semillas de betabel, espinaca y calabacín por correo, para las personas que viven en Nueva Jersey, familias y...

Strawberries growing in garden alongside Grow Garden State sign

Grow Garden State Challenge Encourages Home Farming and Healthy Eating Across New Jersey

Registration for the second annual Grow Garden State Challenge at Zufall Health is now open. Grow Garden State, an initiative of Zufall’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed), equips participants with free fruit and vegetable seeds to encourage gardening in New Jersey. This spring, Grow Garden State is providing beet, spinach, and zucchini seeds by mail to New Jersey-based individuals, families, and organizations who sign up online. The seeds can be...