male doctor smiling wearing white coat

Pregúntele al Dr. Bob: ¿Sabe lo que es la próstata?

¿Sabe lo que es la próstata? Muchas personas no saben lo que es y tampoco saber su función.    En realidad, es una pequeña glándula - normalmente del tamaño de una pequeña nuez – es parte del sistema reproductivo del hombre. Se encuentra en la abertura de la vejiga y ayuda a producir parte del líquido en el semen.   Usualmente, los hombres no son conscientes de esto, pero a medida que envejecen...

male doctor smiling wearing white coat

Ask Dr. Bob: What Is the Prostate?

Do you know what the prostate is? Many people don’t know what it is or what it does. It’s actually a small gland — normally the size and shape of a walnut — that is part of the male reproductive system. It sits at the opening of the bladder and helps make some of the fluid in semen. Men are usually unaware of it, but as they age it starts to grow...

Strawberries growing in garden alongside Grow Garden State sign

El desafío de Grow Garden State fomenta la agricultura casera y la alimentación saludable a través de Nueva Jersey

La registración para el segundo desafío anual de Grow Garden State en Zufall Health ya está disponible. Grow Garden State es una iniciativa del Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Complementaria de Zufall (SNAP-Ed). Equipa a los participantes con semillas de frutas y vegetales gratuitas para fomentar jardinería en Nueva Jersey.   Grow Garden State proveerá semillas de betabel, espinaca y calabacín por correo, para las personas que viven en Nueva Jersey, familias y...

Strawberries growing in garden alongside Grow Garden State sign

Grow Garden State Challenge Encourages Home Farming and Healthy Eating Across New Jersey

Registration for the second annual Grow Garden State Challenge at Zufall Health is now open. Grow Garden State, an initiative of Zufall’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed), equips participants with free fruit and vegetable seeds to encourage gardening in New Jersey. This spring, Grow Garden State is providing beet, spinach, and zucchini seeds by mail to New Jersey-based individuals, families, and organizations who sign up online. The seeds can be...

Photo of a Telemedicine Patient speaking with a medical Provider on Cell Phone. The provider is wearing blue scrubs.

Telemedicine Now Available at Zufall

Telemedicine allows healthcare providers to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients at a distance by phone, computer or tablet.

Zufall Health is focused on protecting the health of our patients, visitors, staff and community every day. Due to the spread of COVID-19 and the social distancing measures taking place to help prevent the spread of the disease, we are now offering telemedicine.
Photo of a Telemedicine Patient speaking with a medical Provider on Cell Phone. The provider is wearing blue scrubs.

Telemedicina ahora está disponible

La telemedicina permite a los proveedores de salud evaluar, diagnosticar y tratar pacientes a la distancia, por teléfono, computadora o tableta.

Zufall Health está enfocado en proteger la salud de sus pacientes, visitantes, personal y la comunidad todos los días. Debido a la epidemia del COVID-19 y las medidas de separación social que se están poniendo en efecto para prevenir la propagación de la enfermedad, estamos ofreciendo telemedicina.

Public Charge: Things to Know flyer in Spanish

Una Carga Pública : ¿Qué hay que saber?

Una Carga Pública : ¿Qué hay que saber?

Los servicios que usted recibe en el Centro de Salud Zufall NO cuentan como una carga pública. Los cambios de las reglas de cargas públicas serán efectivos comenzando el 24 de febrero de 2020.

¿Qué es una carga pública?

Una persona que probablemente llegará a depender del gobierno para el apoyo financiero y/o material. 

Representatives of Zufall Health, Delta Dental of New Jersey and state goverment pose together at the Smiles for Our heroes veterans dental event.

Delta Dental and Zufall Health Honor Veterans at Third Annual “Smiles For Our Heroes”

Dover, NJ — In the heat of the Viet Nam War, Albert Grazevich knew how to handle almost any situation, but after losing several teeth many years later, he retreats when running into old friends.

“If I see my wife stop to talk to someone, I’m embarrassed and usually go the other way,” admitted the Navy veteran whose teeth needed thousands of dollars of restoration work.

But after being fitted for free dentures at the Third Annual “Smiles for Our Heroes,” Albert is looking forward to smiling again and has a much healthier outlook.

The Hardyston resident traveled to Zufall Health’s Dover Dental Center recently where veterans from all over New Jersey participated in a Veteran’s Day observance that provides free dental care to honor them for their military service.

Zufall Health recently hosted a delegation of high-level health officials from the People’s Republic of China headed by Wang Hersheng, Vice Minister of China’s National Health commission. The group, visiting the U.S. to attend a United Nations General Assembly meeting, was interested in touring the health center’s Dover site and learning about Zufall’s approach to primary care and community health. Pictured are the delegation members, representatives of the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and Zufall senior staff.

China Delegation Visits Zufall Health to Learn About American Health Care

Dover, N.J — A delegation of high-level health officials from the People’s Republic of China recently visited Zufall Health Center in Dover for an up-close look at an American health center and to discuss Zufall’s approach to primary care and community health.

Wang Hesheng, Vice Minister of China’s National Health Commission, and his six-member team were in the United States to attend a United Nations General Assembly meeting. Accompanying them on their Zufall visit was Thomas Engels, Acting Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Sign-up Begins Nov. 1 for 2019 Health Insurance!

If you need to purchase health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace (Obamacare), you must sign up between Nov. 1st and December 15th.  Be aware that the enrollment period this year is only six weeks long. If you already have health insurance, you should visit Zufall to update your personal information and review any changes in plans and pricing for 2019. Zufall Health counselors are available to help you enroll and...

Due to snow, the following schedule changes are in effect today, Monday, January 20 at all Zufall Health sites: Morning medical appointments (until 12:00 pm) have been changed to telemedicine. Morning dental appointments (until 12:00 pm) are cancelled. Behavioral health appointments all day have been changed to telemedicine. All locations, including Goodale Pharmacy, will open at 1:00 pm.
Debido a la nieve, los siguientes cambios de horario entraron en vigencia hoy, lunes 20 de enero, en todos los sitios de Zufall Health: Las citas médicas matutinas (hasta las 12:00 p. m.) se cambiaron a telemedicina. Las citas dentales matutinas (hasta las 12:00 p. m.) se cancelaron. Las citas de salud conductual durante todo el día se cambiaron a telemedicina. Todas las ubicaciones, incluida Goodale Pharmacy, abrirán a la 1:00 p. m.