How Telehealth Transformed Our Delivery of Care

When Zufall Health’s clinical leadership first began discussions about telehealth with the New Jersey Primary Care Association (NJPCA), COVID-19 had yet to enter anyone’s vocabulary. Three years later, Zufall providers, including the Assistant Medical Director and family medicine physician Douglas S. Bishop, M.D., agree that telehealth has been essential for providing accessible and excellent health care delivery during the pandemic and beyond. In addition to mitigating the spread of the virus...

Rippel Foundation Grant to Support Zufall Health COVID Services

Zufall Health has received $25,000 in general operating and programmatic funds from the Rippel Foundation, a national foundation focused on health system transformation. Zufall was one of nine organizations “advancing equitable, sustainable approaches to health and well-being in New Jersey and other communities” awarded funding. The grant marks the second consecutive year that Rippel has provided financial support to Zufall. Eva Turbiner, Zufall President and Chief Executive Officer, said that, like...

Morristown Clinical Location

La Fundación de Morristown Neighbor F.M. Kirby otorgo una generosa donación a Zufall Health

Zufall Health esta agradecido de anunciar una donación de $30,000 de parte de la Fundación Morristown- F.M. Kirby. Esta subvención proveerá apoyo general para la oficina de Morristown Zufall Health en el 4 Atno Avenue, lo cual facilitará cuidado médico, cuidado dental y servicios de salud mental para la comunidad de Morristown. Las clínicas de Zufall proveen un cuidado centrado en pacientes de bajos recursos. Ubicado en el centro de la...

Morristown Clinical Location

Morristown Neighbor F.M. Kirby Foundation Awards Generous Grant to Zufall Health

Zufall Health is grateful to announce the receipt of a $30,000 grant from Morristown-based F.M. Kirby Foundation. The grant will provide critical general operating support to Zufall Health’s Morristown facility at 4 Atno Avenue, which provides medical, dental, and behavioral health services to the greater Morristown community. Zufall’s clinical sites provide patient-centered care for medically under-resourced populations. Located near the center of town and accessible to public transit, Zufall-Morristown serves approximately...

COVID-19 Presentation Douglas Bishop

COVID-19 Conversation: Zufall Health and Morristown Families / Conversación sobre COVID-19: Zufall Health y las familias de Morristown

On January 13, 2021, Zufall Health Director of Outreach and Special Populations Michelle Blanchfield, MPH, and Morristown Physician Douglas Bishop, M.D., delivered a virtual presentation on COVID-19 trends, prevention strategies, and pediatric vaccines to Morristown parents and families. The audience specifically included parents with children who attend the following Morristown elementary schools: Normandy Park, Woodland, and Thomas Jefferson. Zufall Health thanks Cecilia Estevez of Normandy Park Elementary School for coordinating...

Woman receiving COVID-19 vaccine booster shot

COVID Study Affirms Health Center Value

Community health centers like Zufall have assumed leadership roles in battling COVID-19 throughout the country over the last two years and now, a new study has confirmed their significant impact on reducing infections and saving lives.   A joint analysis by the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) and Morehouse School of Medicine’s National COVID-19 Resiliency Network compared the rate of infection and mortality from COVID in areas with and without...

Woman receiving COVID-19 vaccine booster shot

Un Estudio sobre el COVID Confirma la Importancia de nuestro Centro de Salud

Los centros de salud comunitarios, como Zufall, han asumido roles de liderazgo en la lucha contra el COVID-19 en todo el país durante los últimos dos años. Ahora, un nuevo estudio ha confirmado el efecto significativo que los centros médicos han tenido en la reducción de los contagios y en salvar vidas.     Un análisis conjunto realizado por la Asociación Nacional de Centros de Salud Comunitarios (NACHC) y la Red Nacional...

COVID-19: Letter to Patients and Community Members / Carta Dirigida a Los Pacientes y a La Comunidad

Dear Zufall Patients and Community Members, Like all businesses across the county, Zufall Health is dealing with staffing shortages while at the same time dealing with the surge in COVID cases. The below information details what we are doing and what you can do to respond to the ongoing pandemic. What Zufall Health is doing: Increasing telemedicine (video or phone visits). Telemedicine provides access to your primary care provider but reduces the...

Group of people seated in East Dover School auditorium listening to presentation

Zufall Health Providers Address Dover Families’ COVID-19 Vaccination Concerns at Community Event

On Tuesday, November 30, Zufall Health hosted “The COVID Vaccine & Kids: Answering Parents’ Questions” in the East Dover School auditorium in Dover, NJ in collaboration with several community partners. The objective of the family-friendly evening gathering was to address misinformation regarding the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officially recommended for children ages 5-11 on November 2, 2021. Verbal presentations were made in both English...

Due to snow, the following schedule changes are in effect today, Monday, January 20 at all Zufall Health sites: Morning medical appointments (until 12:00 pm) have been changed to telemedicine. Morning dental appointments (until 12:00 pm) are cancelled. Behavioral health appointments all day have been changed to telemedicine. All locations, including Goodale Pharmacy, will open at 1:00 pm.
Debido a la nieve, los siguientes cambios de horario entraron en vigencia hoy, lunes 20 de enero, en todos los sitios de Zufall Health: Las citas médicas matutinas (hasta las 12:00 p. m.) se cambiaron a telemedicina. Las citas dentales matutinas (hasta las 12:00 p. m.) se cancelaron. Las citas de salud conductual durante todo el día se cambiaron a telemedicina. Todas las ubicaciones, incluida Goodale Pharmacy, abrirán a la 1:00 p. m.