Zufall Board Elects New Officers

Michael O’Donnell, a prominent New Jersey attorney, has been elected chairman of the Zufall Health Board of Directors, succeeding William Shuler, who served as board chair since 2017. A co-managing partner at the Morristown-based Riker Danzig law firm, O’Donnell is taking the helm at an unprecedented time as Zufall begins to emerge from the pandemic. “After two difficult years, I view my tenure as an opportunity to provide strategic guidance and oversight...

Strawberries growing in garden alongside Grow Garden State sign

El desafío de Grow Garden State fomenta la agricultura casera y la alimentación saludable a través de Nueva Jersey

La registración para el segundo desafío anual de Grow Garden State en Zufall Health ya está disponible. Grow Garden State es una iniciativa del Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Complementaria de Zufall (SNAP-Ed). Equipa a los participantes con semillas de frutas y vegetales gratuitas para fomentar jardinería en Nueva Jersey.   Grow Garden State proveerá semillas de betabel, espinaca y calabacín por correo, para las personas que viven en Nueva Jersey, familias y...

Strawberries growing in garden alongside Grow Garden State sign

Grow Garden State Challenge Encourages Home Farming and Healthy Eating Across New Jersey

Registration for the second annual Grow Garden State Challenge at Zufall Health is now open. Grow Garden State, an initiative of Zufall’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed), equips participants with free fruit and vegetable seeds to encourage gardening in New Jersey. This spring, Grow Garden State is providing beet, spinach, and zucchini seeds by mail to New Jersey-based individuals, families, and organizations who sign up online. The seeds can be...

Man receives a dental cleaning from a dental provider wearing a mask

El programa de residencia dental apoyado por HRSA comenzará en Zufall-Hackettstown en el 2024

Zufall Health se siente enorgullecido de ser la primera y única clínica médica en Nueva Jersey en recibir una subvención de planificación y desarrollo para centros de enseñanza de salud de la Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Salud (HRSA). La agencia del Departamento de Salud y Servicios de los E.E.U.U. que mejor favorece el acceso a la asistencia médica para las poblaciones de bajos recursos médicos. Esta subvención apoyará...

Man receives a dental cleaning from a dental provider wearing a mask

HRSA-Supported Dental Residency Program to Begin at Zufall-Hackettstown in 2024

Zufall Health is proud to be the first and only health center in New Jersey to receive a Teaching Health Center Planning and Development grant from the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), the agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Services that improves access to health care for medically vulnerably populations. The grant will support the development of a new accredited general dental residency program in Zufall’s Hackettstown...

Morristown Clinical Location

La Fundación de Morristown Neighbor F.M. Kirby otorgo una generosa donación a Zufall Health

Zufall Health esta agradecido de anunciar una donación de $30,000 de parte de la Fundación Morristown- F.M. Kirby. Esta subvención proveerá apoyo general para la oficina de Morristown Zufall Health en el 4 Atno Avenue, lo cual facilitará cuidado médico, cuidado dental y servicios de salud mental para la comunidad de Morristown. Las clínicas de Zufall proveen un cuidado centrado en pacientes de bajos recursos. Ubicado en el centro de la...

Morristown Clinical Location

Morristown Neighbor F.M. Kirby Foundation Awards Generous Grant to Zufall Health

Zufall Health is grateful to announce the receipt of a $30,000 grant from Morristown-based F.M. Kirby Foundation. The grant will provide critical general operating support to Zufall Health’s Morristown facility at 4 Atno Avenue, which provides medical, dental, and behavioral health services to the greater Morristown community. Zufall’s clinical sites provide patient-centered care for medically under-resourced populations. Located near the center of town and accessible to public transit, Zufall-Morristown serves approximately...

COVID-19 Presentation Douglas Bishop

COVID-19 Conversation: Zufall Health and Morristown Families / Conversación sobre COVID-19: Zufall Health y las familias de Morristown

On January 13, 2021, Zufall Health Director of Outreach and Special Populations Michelle Blanchfield, MPH, and Morristown Physician Douglas Bishop, M.D., delivered a virtual presentation on COVID-19 trends, prevention strategies, and pediatric vaccines to Morristown parents and families. The audience specifically included parents with children who attend the following Morristown elementary schools: Normandy Park, Woodland, and Thomas Jefferson. Zufall Health thanks Cecilia Estevez of Normandy Park Elementary School for coordinating...

Three Continuing Dental Education Courses to Kick Off Our Clinical Excellence Series

Zufall Health and Dental Dental are delighted to invite you to kick off our Clinical Excellence series this winter to help you elevate your practice this year. Each session is free and eligible for CDE credit. Learn more about each program and register on Zoom below. For any questions, contact Zufall Health's Chief Dental Officer, Sam Wakim, DMD, MPH, at 973-328-9100, ext 1316. 2022 Innovations in Preventative Dentistry Wednesday, February 2 | 6:00...

Woman receiving COVID-19 vaccine booster shot

COVID Study Affirms Health Center Value

Community health centers like Zufall have assumed leadership roles in battling COVID-19 throughout the country over the last two years and now, a new study has confirmed their significant impact on reducing infections and saving lives.   A joint analysis by the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) and Morehouse School of Medicine’s National COVID-19 Resiliency Network compared the rate of infection and mortality from COVID in areas with and without...

Due to snow, the following schedule changes are in effect today, Monday, January 20 at all Zufall Health sites: Morning medical appointments (until 12:00 pm) have been changed to telemedicine. Morning dental appointments (until 12:00 pm) are cancelled. Behavioral health appointments all day have been changed to telemedicine. All locations, including Goodale Pharmacy, will open at 1:00 pm.
Debido a la nieve, los siguientes cambios de horario entraron en vigencia hoy, lunes 20 de enero, en todos los sitios de Zufall Health: Las citas médicas matutinas (hasta las 12:00 p. m.) se cambiaron a telemedicina. Las citas dentales matutinas (hasta las 12:00 p. m.) se cancelaron. Las citas de salud conductual durante todo el día se cambiaron a telemedicina. Todas las ubicaciones, incluida Goodale Pharmacy, abrirán a la 1:00 p. m.